Art:Crate Your Work Delivered to Art Lovers Monthly
Application Deadline: 11:59 PM, Friday, November 1st. – Deadline passed. Join the waiting list for post-Beta launch.
Get Started | Apply | Submission Requirements | Submission Guide
Have you wondered what to do with your unsold inventory?
With Art:Crate you’ve found the answer. You’ll build income and expand your profile in the Metro-Atlanta area.
How does it work?
Art:Crate manages a collection of five pieces of your work that circulate through the homes of art collectors who subscribe to the service. Two additional pieces are held in reserve; when a piece sells we replace it in circulation with a work from the reserve. Your story is prominently featured and will be known to each collector whose home your work visits.
How do I make money?
You get paid a monthly viewing fee for each piece in active circulation until you’ve received your wholesale price, at which point the piece is sold. If one of the subscribers chooses to purchase one of your works, you receive the balance of your wholesale price immediately.
What kind of commitment do I have to make?
You commit to grant Art:Crate the sole right to rent, promote and sell each piece for a minimum of six months.
If a piece sells early, it will be replaced from your reserve, which you must replenish within 5 business days.
I have a gallery that handles my sales…can I still participate?
That depends on your existing contract’s terms. Send us a copy of your contract or put us in touch with your gallery, and we’ll determine if you are able to use the Art:Crate service.
What types of work can be included?
You’ll need to submit works with a consistent maximum size that are wall mount-ready and of retail value not to exceed $5,000.00 US.
How do I get started?
It’s simple. Follow these steps:
1. Create Your ETChster Profile
2. Upload your submissions. Minimum of 7, maximum of 12. Be sure to save them as public and include #artcrate2019 in the description.
3. Fill out the application below. That’s it! You’ll hear from us within 72 hours. If we approve your collection, we will schedule a studio visit.
*Art:Crate is an experimental beta program and as such, all terms are subject to change without notice as we receive feedback and iterate through SeedWorks’ agile process.
Requirements for Works to Be Included
- Each piece shall be documented (etched) in ETChster with the following fields completed:
- Dimensions: Not more than 40 inches tall and 40 inches wide framed.
- Sales price (retail) of between $200 and $5,000.
- Unique name.
- Each piece shall have a description of a minimum of 100 words and must include:
- Materials used
- Origin story/statement
- Creation date
- Dimensions
- Courtesy of [artist/gallery]
- Creation date
- Your artist profile on ETChster shall be the creator and current owner of each piece.
- Each piece shall be set to “Public.”
- Each piece shall be in good condition, free from defects and hazardous materials, and otherwise suitable for display.
- Each piece shall be a ready-to-hang, wall-mounted artwork weighing no more than 25lbs.
Need help? No problem…simply fill out the application and we’ll be in touch. It’s non-binding.
Nathan Sharratt’s Submission
Set Up Your Artist Profile in ETChster
- It’s free to create an ETChster profile and upload up to 100 works. If you’re accepted to Art:Crate, you’ll get a free upgrade to ETChster Pro as well. No payment info is required.
2. You’ll want to upload a profile photo.
3. If you’re known by something other than your first and last name as an artist, overwrite the 3rd text field with your commercial name.
4. Write a description/bio that tells your story as an artist. Don’t worry you can always come back and add/edit as needed.
5. “Save” to complete your profile.