Creating Groups
All ETChster users can find their Group management under Settings.
Groups are simply a label/tag you can apply to any Etching. One Etching can belong to many groups or none.
You can create groups of different types.
Example ways to group paintings:
- Create a group for each artist
- Create a group for each medium
- Create a group for each era
- Create a group for each style
Using this type of organization scheme will power up your filters and collections.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Once you create some groups. You can either apply them to Etchings upon creation or later by using the Edit tools.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]If you later decide that you have groups you no longer wish to use, simply be sure that you remove all Etchings from that group.
You’ll know that you have done so by returning to the Group Settings. The count should show “0.” Simply click the X to remove the group.
Be sure to read up on Filters next.