Full Feature Set
Etchster was designed to be used on your mobile browser and works great on PCs and tablets as well. Android users should login through Chrome. IOS users should choose Safari.
Through your device, you can leverage voice recognition to dictate the text fields. You can also go directly to your camera app to capture photos.
About Etchings:
- Etchings (digital records) of your items have the following settings:
- Public – Can be found if a user searches for that item’s unique Etching ID.
- Private – Will not appear in search.
- For Sale – Available for purchase. Choosing for sale enables the price field (in dollars for now).
- Off Market – Not for sale but can still be public. The sale price is turned off.
- Etching ID – This number is set by the system automatically and is unique to your item.
- You can set the following Etching fields:
- Photos – Each Etching carries up to 5 unique photos. Create an Etching from your smart device and you can open your camera app directly or choose from photos in storage.
- Name (required) – Each Etching has a unique name. If you have an Etching that previously belonged to someone, else you can change the name but you’ll still see the old name on the Etching record.
- Description (optional) – A very flexible field that can be quite detailed if you wish.
- Item Creator (optional) – Use this field to capture the person responsible for bringing the item into the world. This could be a person or an organization.
- Creation date (optional) – You may know the creation date. If not, consider sending the creator a story request and asking.
- Creation location (optional) – You may already know but this also might be info to capture with a story request.
- Acquisition date (optional) – You may need to estimate if your create an Etching for something you’ve had for a long time. Etchster will capture the transfer date going forward, however.
- Estimated value (optional) – This field is private to you even if the Etching is public and for sale.
- Serial number (optional) – This could be a serial number like you would find on an electronic but it could also be the vin number on a vehicle or the series number on a print.
- Keywords (optional and under-development) – Etchster will be expanding organizational capabilities related to keywords in the near future. In the mean time, feel free to add as many as you want, separated by commas for future use.
Working with Etchings:
- Other users set the following fields for you:
- Past versions – If you received an item with an Etching, you’ll get to keep a record of what the previous owner/creator put in that Etching. Items that get passed down through families will accumulate many past versions over the years.
- Stories (optional) – You can request as many stories as you like about an item. If you purchased something unique before you started using Etchster, you can send the creator a Story Request, and their story will get appended to the Etching.
Using Etchster commercially:
- Etchster is an efficient inventory/catalog and acquisition tool.
- An Etching can be created and published in less than 60 seconds.
- Etchster allows you to differentiate yourself by creating a permanent connection when you transfer an Etching at the time of purchase.
- Etchster allows your past purchasers to link directly back to you from Etchings that you created.
- Items that are listed as both Public and For Sale are automatically placed in your store.
- Your store’s unique URL can be accessed from your settings found under the gear icon. Click “View My Store” and copy paste the URL directly from your browser.
- Your store is unique to you and has minimal branding. You can:
- Pick and choose which items are for sale.
- Update status, price, descriptions and everything from your smart phone across all places you have your store listed.
- Embed your store within your existing website (iframe) and other locations at the same time.
- Link to your store from anywhere including your email signature.
- Name your store (you don’t have to use your personal name).
- Receive inquiries on specific items directly to your inbox.
- Close the sale through whatever means you prefer.
- Etchster does not manage your payments, receipts, refunds, shipping, etc.
The best way to learn more is to start a free trial.